Lightspark is an LGPLv3 licensed Flash player and browser plugin written in C++/C that runs on Linux. It aims to support Adobe's newer Flash formats and AVM2 virtual machine.
Beside a lot of small improve�ments this new release improves the graph�ics capa�bil�i�ties, with a focus on Flash fea�tures used by games. Currently there are lot of bugs in lightspark but we can hope it will get better with time because adobe dropped further flash support for linux. New Version is only available for Ubuntu 12.04 Precise/Linux Mint 13.
What's new:
- Enable RTMP sup�port by default, requires librtmp
- Fixed sup�port for IEvent�Dis�patcher imple�men�ta�tion pat�tern
- Improved seri�al�iza�tion robust�ness
- Improved matrix han�dling
- Imple�ment string and name�space pool�ing to reduce mem�ory con�sump�tion
- Proper sup�port for pri�vate name�spaces
- Improved sup�port for fonts
- Sup�port LLVM 3.1
- Fix full vol�ume issue when PulseAu�dio flat vol�umes are enabled
- Ini�tial sup�port for AIR desk�top appli�ca�tions
To install lightspark flash in Ubuntu/Linux Mint (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
for other Distro's Download source.
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sparkers/ppa
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install lightspark browser-plugin-lightspark