It is based on the theme Adwaita GTK3, changing colors to set the cupertino style
- Tested in GNOME 3.2 and Unity
There are 2 versions, one based on the colors of Snow Leopard and the other Lion. Option border or borderless
Version for unity due to global-menu and design of nautilus.
- GTK3 theme ported to unico-engine, GTK2 theme uses the Murrine and Pixmap engines
- Inside the theme folder there is a readme.txt file with some really simple instructions (styles for nautilus, glassy buttons, Unity top panel transparent mac style)
- "Adwaita Cupertino SL and L" is borderless by default in Gnome Shell (in Unity edges is always)
If you want the version with borders, select in gnome-tweak-tool -> Window theme -> "Adwaita Cupertino (SL or L) Unity" and in GTK+ theme "Adwaita Cupertino (SL or L)"
To install open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
Install Theme
Install Icons
- mkdir ~/.themes
- wget
- tar -xzvf Adwaita-Cupertino.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
- mkdir ~/.icons
- wget
- tar -xzvf Faenza-Cupertino.tar.gz -C ~/.icons
Now apply Theme and Icons:
Install Gnome Tweak Tool with following command:
Now go to dash and search for "Advance Settings" and open it.
- sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool