YeoWorks Ubuntu Solutions provides a one click solution to many commonly faced Ubuntu problems. It allows updating Ubuntu, Gnomes 3 installation and uninstallation, Firefox flash issue fix and much more.
Choose any of the problems from the list and click OK for their resolution. The complete list of available options are as follows:
- Single Click update of Ubuntu Software
- Installation of Ubuntu extras, Ubuntu Tweak and Compiz Pack
- Only Support Gnome 3
- Gnome Tweaking Tool installation
- Firefox 64-bit Flash issue
- Fix for Firefox bookmarks and history issues
- Simple access to Nautilus and configuration editor
- Switch of Gnome desktop to Compiz or Metacity
- Conversion of 32-bit Deb files into 64 Bit Deb files
- Fix for classic Gnome installation
- Re-installation of Ubuntu desktop
- Changing of user and root password
- System cleanup
- Stop GDM
- Login without GUI (graphical User Interface)
- Error: gnconfig-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256
Note: I haven't tested it yet but you can try and reply here how it works for you.
To install YeoWorks on Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
Here is the HomePage of YeoWorks. That's it
- wget -O yeoworks
- unzip -d yeoworks
- cd yeoworks
- sh