Gloobus preview is an quick file previewer which supports many formats and preview them instantly. Currently it works better with nautilus and also with marlin file browser but many people don't use other file manager except nautilus.
Gloobus can preview:
Images (jpg, bmp, png and other)
Source files (Java, C++, Php and others)
Documents: (Pdf, Doc, Odf, Xls, Ppt, Odp and others
Audio: (Mp3, Ogg, wav and others)
Video (Wmv, Mpg, Ogg, Avi, Flv, Mkv, and others)
Folders, Fonts, archives, Plain text files and many others.
To install Gloobus Preview in Ubuntu/Linux mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
After Installation restart nautilus, Enter following command to restart:
- sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gloobus-dev/gloobus-preview
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install gloobus-preview gloobus-sushi
Now select any image or whatever you want to see preview and press "Space"
- nautilus -q
That's it, Enjoy